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Photo Galleries - 3 Reasons I like them

Ray Valladares • Dec 03, 2018

The most useful images on your website accurately represent your business services, products and offers.

Affordable Manahawkin Website design Rayveon

The most useful images on your website accurately represent your business services, products and offers. If you are unable to take quality photos which are useful, professional stock photos are available online and can be very helpful.

One - Education

Your images can be used to educate visitors who are considering to do business with you when they visit your website. We have all heard the overused phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" but nevertheless, it is true. What better way to educate someone about your food, brewery, product or service than with a picture.

If you are a new business in the area your are serving, such as a surf lessons business in New Jersey, I don't recommend using stock photos of surfers which were taken in Hawaii (believe it or not that has been done). Instead, I recommend asking your friend if they would like to be on your surfing website and plan your own photo shoot before launching your website.

Two - Call To Action

There’s no better place to add a call to action than in your photo gallery or carousel slideshows. What types of actions could be added you ask? "Get a Free Estimate, Call Now, Learn More" are all Calls To Action that I recommend to customers to encourage to utilize on their website. When a prospective customer takes the time to complete the a contact form, they have basically made the sale for you unless you fail to follow up. Tap and Dial a phone number is great Call to Action. Although this action is limited to business hours, it fulfills an immediate need your website visitor may have at that time.

Three - Creating Impressions

People tend to trust what they can see. When a prospective client or customer visits your website and see your product or work they immediately begin to build an impression about your business.

For example, ManaFirkin Brewing Company , we used a combination of photos and videos to create the impression of what looks and feels like inside their Manahawkin brewery.

We work with local brands across a wide range of business types. Apart from having a hands-on relationship with us, the goal these small businesses share is their commitment to customers and community.

Get in touch to learn how we can design a unique photo gallery to your website. Contact us today.

About Rayve on

We work with local brands across a wide range of business types. Apart from having a hands-on relationship with us, the goal these small businesses share is their commitment to customers and community.

Get in touch, contact us today.

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